Wednesday 4 July 2012

Dosa, Idli, Sambar, Puri...

I can’t resist writing about it, the food is amazing.  This weekend I went to Vellore, where there is an interesting old fort and a controversial golden temple, which I enjoyed seeing both of, but I enjoyed my meals more. Most of the restaurants around are vegetarian, which is great as I can confidently tuck into things which I have no idea what they are. I knew when I ordered a thali that it would be great, which it was (and a bargain at less than £1), washed down with a lassi. My masala dosa the following day was so good I could have cried. The other day I ate 9 puris in a row along with a large helping of chana masala, which I have now learnt how to make so can hopefully recreate on my return to the UK. Today I’ve eaten 10 bananas, but that’s because each one is only the size of my thumb. They are growing at one of the school gardens, as are mangos, and it’s mango season so happily I’m eating quite a few. Freshly made idli with coconut and coriander chutney is becoming a favourite meal here from Britto’s kitchen, but every meal is a delight. The coconut man cycles round the area in the morning selling fresh coconut for 10 rupees a piece (about 12p), providing some great pre-mid-morning chai refreshment. Mmmm.

The coconut man

Last week I spent a couple of days at Arpakkam where RIDE has a small school. They take children from reception age so some of them are so tiny, and so adorable!  I also met some children from a local tribal settlement, who can get food at Arpakkam school a few times a month. Apparently they often only get one meal a day at home so RIDE is doing what it can to improve the quality of life of the communities it works in.

Students at Arpakkam RIDE school

Anu unpacking my delicious packed lunch

Work has been a bit slow this week because over the weekend some workmen accidentally cut through the phone/internet cable while digging a hole. It’s my final week here so I’m tying up loose ends and trying to absorb some more recipes from Britto, and I’ve just been sari shopping so I can attempt to get creative making lots of pretty things with my purchases when I get home.
sari shopping

At the weekend I’m off to Pondicherry for a few days before I travel to Mysore to meet my Raleigh colleagues. I’ll attempt to post one or two more updates before I head into rather more isolated life with a team of teenagers in tow!

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